Marcella Nesom Sirhandi

by Unicorn Gallery

About the book: Contemporary painting in Pakistan traces the evolution of painting in Pakistan in the context of national and local art movements and the personal development of its major painters. While emphasis is directed towards the period after Partition of the subcontinent in 1947, considerable attention has been devoted to the early twentieth century so that the connection with seminal movements, artists, and local history is established. Of special interest are the social and political developments of the subcontinent and world events that have affected the philosophy and production of art. In the fifties and sixties most painters were eager to paint in an international manner, consequently they looked to Europe for inspiration, albeit, choosing outdated movements as their model. By the mid seventies, Pakistani painters had outgrown European influence and were seeking to reflect their own culture and history in their art. This study reveals that struggle and coincidentally illustrates an opus of visually rich and aesthetically beautiful artwork.

About the author: MARCELLA NESOM SIRHANDI received a B.A. in drawing and painting from California State University, Turlock in 1964 and an M.A. in Art and Art History from California State University, Fresno in 1974. Before embarking upon a career in Art History she taught Art in high school and college. Inspired by an extended visit to Europe, the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Dr.Nesom entered the doctoral program at Ohio State University, Columbus, and received her Ph.D. in Asian Art History in 1984. She has taught Art History at Southwest Missouri State University, California State University, Fresno, and the University of Oregon, Eugene. Currently Dr.Nesom is Assistant Professor of Art History at the Kansas City Art Institute.